Friday, June 15, 2012

Wake up

Waking up is getting easier for her to do. She used to wake up screaming, and so fussy, no we are seeing more and more of these sweet smiles when she wakes. Morning is still my favorite. She is so happy and she always has crazy baby bed hair. She will lay in bed in the morning for about a half hour and talk to her self and watch the ceiling fan.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


We finally got Mila's newborn pictures! Our photographer told us she would have them to us in 2-3 weeks, but it took her over 3 months. We will not be using her services ever again, but she did get some cute shots. Milana cried the entire time we were there, and pooped all over her back drops that were on the floor (maybe that is why she took so long to get our pictures back to us ha ha), so considering how hard she was to photograph, I would say she did a pretty good job! 

 This is my absolute favorite ! My aunt Debbie made the beanie, and Dave's aunt Cercee made the bracelet. Perfect accessories. I'm going to have to get a big picture made of this one.

4 months

Mila is 4 months old now and things are really coming along. She and I went to the grocery store together for the first time since she's been born! That is a major accomplishment around here. Dave usually goes by himself, or we all go because she hates to sit in her car seat, so one of us needs to hold her while the other pushes the cart. Towards the end of the trip, she started to fuss, so I carried her AND pushed. Don't worry, it was on a crazy Friday at Costco when every one just got paid, and they are all there to eat a lunch worth of free samples. My favorite thing is the people who stand there waiting for the next batch of frozen burritos to be done, with their cart taking up half the isle, creating a total traffic jam. Pushing a gigantic Costco cart with one arm weaving in and out of cart traffic is no small feat! But we survived! And that is really something.

 Sleep is still her worst enemy, but her cute face seems to make the sleep deprivation less annoying. We almost made it through all three hours of church! Again, another major accomplishment. We haven't done that since she's been  born either. Usually we leave because she gets so tired and won't sleep unless we are bouncing her on the workout ball, listening to the vacuum recording. Today we left because she crapped all over me in Relief Society. Now I have a huge poopy mustard stain on my favorite white skirt. Bummer! But I am happy we didn't have to leave because she was screaming.  We don't do much as far as getting out since her demands to be put to sleep are too unrealistic to do in public.The "driving around, let the car seat put the baby to sleep trick" doesn't work for us, so we'll just be homebodies till she settles down. Hopefully that will be soon cause there is lots I want to do while we are in Vegas!

Poor thing is teething! Just when her colic really started to subside, she has to deal with cutting teeth. She has been a real trooper. I've heard pretty bad stories, but she has been pretty ok. They are really cute and small right now, but I bet in another week or so she will have her little pumpkin head smile.

She is really talking a lot. She loves to sit in her chair and talk and squeal and scream as loud and as high pitched  as she can. She cracks us up. She loves to hear her own voice and she will "talk" back and forth with us as though she is having an adult conversation.

I freakin love that little adorable girl!