Monday, April 23, 2012

Sesame Street to the Rescue!

Milana loves Sesame Street! I noticed lately that she stares at the tv whenever it is on, so I just thought I would give it a try. To my surprise, she zoned right in. It is so cute. She sits in her little chair and coo's and kicks her legs and flaps her arms around and talks back to the tv. Cookie Monster is her favorite! Ha Ha. She really lights up when He is on. She hates when there aren't any muppets on the screen. She starts to fuss when its real people only on screen, so I stay close by and fast forward to all the muppet parts. Its so nice to have something to entertain her, even if its only for about 20 minutes. It gives my arms, my ears and her  lungs a nice rest! I never thought I would be putting her in front of the tv at such a young age, but  the little breaks make me a better mom, so thank goodness for Sesame Street! BTW, its just as cute as I remember!

Monday, April 16, 2012


                                           David                               Milana

I think they look sooooo much a like! I guess if they couldn't be twins, they settled for father and daughter!  She does all the same facial expressions as Dave. Lots of eyebrow movements, even the one- eyebrow-up-thing that he does. Its too funny! Crazy that those traits can be passed down. I would have thought that would be more of a learned thing.

little sweetie

Tyler and Amanda stopped by for a quick visit on their way home from Disney Land. Tyler whipped out his awesome camera and got some great shots of Milana. As her was taking them, I asked if he would take some of her in her blessing dress. Good thing I did because we didn't take a single picture that day! not one! We prayed so hard that that she would be well behaved during her blessing and she was. She did great! As soon as the blessing was over, she was crying. She cried all day! We should have been praying she would feel ok for the day, not just the blessing. Oh well.  I spent most of the day in our bedroom with her. She really has a hard time with new voices and loud noises. The blessing was awesome! She is such a little sweetie. I wrote the blessing down. I don't remember much right now, just a few lines stand out in my head, That she will bring others to Christ with her smile, is one in particular. 

Some of the photos Tyler took. Thanks Tyler! 

                                             Her tongue is always out!

                                          The lip! She is going to get anything she wants
                                          from us with that face

                                                            I love love love this picture!