Sunday, May 27, 2012

summa summa summa time

I love summer! We took Mila for her first swim. She wasn't quite sure what to think, but she will come around. I'm sure I get this from my mom, but I believe a good mom is one who takes her kids swimming every day in the summer time, so she is gonna have to get used to the water and fast! One advantage to living in an apartment is not having to pay for a pool pass. We've got 2 great pools 30 seconds away.   I love that little hat!!!

                                                    so chill and relaxed

2 Master's

Dave Graduated! I am so proud of him. He worked his butt of this past year and now has a Master's in Medical Health Sciences. He said to me the other day, " Now I have 2 Master's, You and this one from school!" What a smart A@&!!! Ha Ha. Dave's parents came down to celebrate with us, unfortunately they could not stay very long, but it was great to see them and have their support.  While we still don't know what our future holds, this year has been great to help Dave prepare for med school. Good job Boo! Thanks for working so hard to take care of us! 

                                          Friends from school, Graham and Brian.

                                                  So proud of my man!                                                  

                                                   What she thinks of Touro. he he

                                          Brian and Dave's engagement picture. Ha Ha

                                    Class started with about 30 students, about half graduated

                                     Graduation present form me. Dave has been wanting this forever

Friday, May 25, 2012

A little behind the times

I'm a little behind the times, but I finally had my first Ebay purchase! Ha Ha Ha I have been looking for a cute, practical, quality diaper bag for a while now and I finally bought one on Ebay. Diaper bags are freakin expensive! Especially the cute ones. I've been looking at stores and checking sales and started looking on line for something and randomly ended up on Ebay. I found a ton of really good bags. I had about 10 that I wanted to bid on, but narrowed it down to 2 Petunia Pickle Bottom bags. I showed them to Dave and told him I wanted either one, including shipping for under $50. He did his research on the bags and what they were going for on Ebay and said, " I PROMISE you will NOT get them for that amount." I  still wanted to try because I believe in a good deal! Long story short I got one of the bags for $40 with free shipping!!! Yahoo. Its just what I wanted and so cute! Now I love Ebay!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Totally fake

I have been wanting to get eyelash extensions for a long time. Before we moved here I looked at prices in SLC, I couldn't find anything for under $100. They are around $200 her in Vegas, cause every one wants to look like a show girl? Anyway, my sister got hers done for her wedding and I was totally jealous. She pulled some strings and got me a sweet deal (it was her old young woman's leader who did them). She only charged me for the price of the lashes...10 BUCKS! yahoo! I choose one of the longest lengths she had, which she calls "porn star lashes" but I don't think they are that ridiculous. I was feeling frumpy-housewife-ish so I figured some extra long lashes would at least help me look as though I'm not about to fall asleep any second, or would keep me from looking like death on the days when a shower is impossible. I love them! I wish they weren't so dang expensive here, cause I could get addicted to them.  Best thing is they don't even look fake since each lash is attached to an existing lash.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Milana's first massage

Mila got her first massage today. She LOVED it. She laid just like this for about 15 minutes without a peep. She looked like a statue, just breathing really heavy, totally relaxed. 

I've started working on some of her meridians to help calm her down and help her sleep better. She is still running on 2 or 3 20 min naps a day. Its exhausting for me and I know it has to be frustrating for her because she is always tired, she just can't sleep. I'm also trying to help her lymph flow better.

Dave is studying like crazy to get ready for his last block of the year. His last test in on Thursday, then graduation on Sunday. They we wait and pray that he gets in this year. If not he will be applying all over again. We will most likely just stay here in Vegas till he gets accepted, but I really think he will get in this year.

I should have posted these a few weeks ago when they happened, but I'm lucky I even get to post anything these days.

                                      I've mentioned this before, but she loves Sesame Street!

    She rolled over a few weeks ago for the first time! We just happened to catch it on camera.

Just this week she has started taking a binki! Hallelujah!!! It really seems to help calm her. She has also started reaching/grabbing/holding things. We love our little poppy!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I love Mother's Day! Dave spoiled me as usual with clothes (work out clothes cause that is the clothes I will buy right now) delicious french toast breakfast (seriously Dave makes THE best french toast!!), yummy dinner and my favorite, a nap! He he he. He also make this adorable "movie trailer" he is so technologically creative. I love my little family! Its fun being a mom, and it keeps getting funner as she feels better and better. Thanks mom for all you do for me and for all you have taught me over the years. 
I love you! Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Mila's first giggle

Dave started blowing Mila in the face with a ball pump. She loved it. We have done it several times since and we get no response. I'm so glad we caught this on video. The only other time she ever giggles is watching Sesame Street, and occasionally when she is tickled. I love little baby laughs! 


Milana hit her 3 month mark 2 days ago. The crying and colic is definitely getting better. She is still fussy at night, but its so much better then it used to be, I can't complain. We weighed her on our scale the other day and she 16 lbs! She is so chubby and adorable. She is wearing 6 month clothing and sometimes even  9 months depending on the brand. She is always in the 97th percentile at every doctor visit, and I don't see her dropping in rank any time soon. She is so aware and loves to stand up on our laps. She drools like crazy! I wonder if teeth will be coming in soon? She has really started to love Dave (finally!!!! YAHOO!) and now she demands that he put her to sleep at night. She will fuss and fuss and fuss when I hold her and bounce her, (she loves to be bounced on a work out ball, we even took it with us to Az for my sisters wedding because it is the only way she will go to sleep now. Celtic music is out) but as soon as she is in Dave's arms she is out in about 5 minutes. Its really cute to see that she loves him and that sometimes she has a preference as to who holds her.