Friday, September 30, 2011


Our Bishops wife passed away last weekend. She has 7 kids, the youngest is 4 and she was only 42 years old. She was my visiting teacher.  She never actually made it over to visit me, as she was too sick the day she had scheduled to come. When I heard she had died, I thought about how the last thing she said to me was to schedule a time to come over so she could fulfill her church duties. What a way to die. To be serving in the gospel up to your very last day. No doubt where she is going. My cousin Jason was at the temple the night before he died. Those examples always stick out to me and remind me to be better and strive to do a little more.

We went to her service today. On the way home, Dave and I talked about how positive the gospel can make your perspective. The bishop was of course sad for his loss, but hopeful that he will see her again because they were sealed in the temple. He wants to continue to serve as the bishop of our ward, even during this hard time, because of his perspective. Those who spoke, talked of rejoicing that she is back with her savior instead of mourning their own loss. What an incredible outlook they have because they have testimonies!  The gospel truly blesses families! All we have to do is keep our promises. Thank you Bench family for reminding me and being an example to every one who was there today, even while you are going through this incredibly hard time.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting a blog! That is really sad about your bishop's wife. How did she die?
    We will look forward to updates on your life!
