Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Golden Birthday

This year is my golden birthday, which means I will be turning 29 on the 29th. I'd never heard of a golden birthday before I met David, but apparently its a thing. Golden birthdays are supposed to be extra special, thats why they are "golden." Unfortunately this does not mean that I will be getting gold for my big day, but Dave is determined to make it special so he is celebrating my birthday all month long! Starting today, every morning I get to reach into a little brown box and draw a "thing" for the day. I'm not exactly sure what that means just yet, but Dave told me some of them are really awesome and some are just fun or cute little things. I don't care what they are! He is doing/giving/making something for me every day for a month!!! YAHOO! Today my little drawing was for him to make dinner tonight. (I know I have mentioned before how much I love it when he cooks.) He made buffalo chicken wraps, and they were delish! More goldenpallooza to come...